Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Four Steps To Immortality

Dear Ones,

Body enlightenment is to transform the physical body to the purest light body. To attain the purest light body is to reach immortality.
Let me explain the essence of immortality.
Lao Zi, the author of Dao De Jing, stated:

Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, Tian Fa Tao, Tao Fa Zi Ran.

These four sacred phrases explain the process of body enlightenment, which is the process of reaching immortality.

Ren Fa Di—“Ren” means human being. “Fa” means follow the principles and laws. “Di” means Mother Earth. “Ren Fa Di” (pronounced wren fah dee) means a human being must follow the principles and laws of Mother Earth. The law of gravity is one example.

Ren Fa Di has a deeper meaning. It teaches to transform the jing qi shen of a human being to the jing qi shen of Mother Earth. Lao Zi teaches us that Ren Fa Di carries the sacred meaning of transforming jing qi shen. We need to understand that the jing qi shen of a human being is far from the jing qi shen of Mother Earth. A human being has a potential life span of one hundred years or more. Mother Earth has lived billions of years or more.

Di Fa Tian—“Di” means Mother Earth. “Fa” means follow the principles and laws. “Tian” means Heaven. “Di Fa Tian” (pronounced dee fah tyen) means Mother Earth must follow the principles and laws of Heaven. For longevity and to reach immortality, one must first transform the jing qi shen of a human being to the jing qi shen of Mother Earth, and then further transform the jing qi shen of Mother Earth to the jing qi shen of Heaven.

Tian Fa Tao—“Tian” means Heaven. “Fa” means follow the principles and laws. “Tao” is the Source, The Way, and the universal principles and laws. “Tian Fa Tao” (pronounced tyen fah dow) means Heaven must follow the principles and laws of Tao. Even further transform the jing qi shen of Heaven to the jing qi shen of Tao.

Tao Fa Zi Ran—“Tao” is the Source, The Way, and the universal principles and laws. “Fa” means follow the principles and laws. “Zi Ran” means nature. “Tao Fa Zi Ran” (pronounced dow fah dz rahn) means follow nature’s way. To reach Tao Fa Zi Ran is to reach Tao. To reach Tao is to meld with Tao. To meld with Tao is to reach immortality. This is body enlightenment.

My third empowerment is to empower serious spiritual seekers to reach Tao, which is to reach soul mind body enlightenment. This is the sacred way to reach immortality.

You could be thinking, “Really, Master Sha? It is really possible to reach immortality?” I can tell you that it is not easy, but yes, it is definitely possible. Learn how!

With love and blessing,

Master Sha

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