Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What is the meaning of life | The meaning of Life is to serve | How can I serve God

What is the meaning of life | The meaning of Life is to serve | How can I serve God

Dear Ones,

I continue with important soul guidance for your spiritual journey with topic number 4: Serve humanity and all souls unconditionally.

It is easy to say, “Serve humanity and all souls unconditionally.” It is difficult to do it. When you start to serve others, right away you may think, “I am spending too much time. This is taking too much effort. Is this worth it?” You may serve so hard and yet others do not pay attention. They are not appreciative. This could really make you wonder, “Should I continue to serve or not?”

Do not forget that everybody is on the spiritual journey. However, many people do not realize this.
What is the meaning of life,The meaning of Life is to serve,How can I serve God,
What is the meaning of life,
The meaning of Life is to serve,How can I serve God,
Many people do not have pure love, care, and kindness. Many people still think of themselves first. They are not ready to sacrifice themselves to serve others. They think their time should belong to their family or to themselves. Why spend so much time to do volunteer work? Why spend lots of time to chant mantras? Why spend hours to meditate? If they are not in the same condition as you, they do not understand, much less appreciate, that you are offering universal service through your volunteer work, chanting, and meditation.

The best approach is to explain directly to your family members, your loved ones, and your friends what you are doing. They may understand and support you. If they do not understand or even go against you, do not fight with them. Allow them time to understand. Do not lose your temper. Be soft. Be yin. If one person wants to fight but the other person remains completely quiet and soft, a fight will not happen. Fighting always happens when one side wants to fight and the other side fights back. This is not a solution for a spiritual being.

If you are a spiritual being, stand in a higher position. Understand that other people may not have the commitment that you have. Have patience and give them time to understand your heart. Give them love and compassion to transform them. Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy. Compassion unites. If you carry love, forgiveness, and compassion, your spouse, family, and friends will understand you better and better. In time, your situation can be transformed to peace and harmony.

What is the meaning of life, The meaning of Life is to serve,How can I serve God,
What is the meaning of life,The meaning
of Life is to serve,How can I serve God,
You made your commitment to offer unconditional service to others, to humanity, and to the universe. You cannot expect anyone else to do this. There is an ancient spiritual statement: teacher only teaches the ready ones. Another renowned spiritual statement is: When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The best way to deal with your family members, friends, and colleagues is to be an example of a pure servant. Use your example to influence them and touch their hearts. At the same time, try to offer teaching to them. The Divine needs millions of pure servants and teachers for humanity. If everyone on Mother Earth were to offer love, peace, and harmony, Mother Earth would pass through her transition very quickly. Conflicts would be dissolved. Natural disasters would be reduced. Always remember: Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy. Unconditional love and forgiveness are the golden keys to transforming humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes.

You spend time serving others, society, and humanity. You devote great effort to chanting and meditating and to sending your love to the universe. This time is not wasted. You will never get lost. Heaven and the Akashic Records record your service. The Divine knows in his heart that you are a pure servant. You are appreciated by the Divine. Lots of virtue is given to your soul. Your soul standing is uplifted. Every aspect of your present life and your future lives will be extremely blessed. You will flourish abundantly in every aspect of your life.

You serve. Heaven blesses you. The Divine honors you. We are honored to be a servant. We are extremely honored to be an unconditional universal servant.

With love and blessing,

Master Sha

What is the meaning of life,The meaning of Life is to serve,How can I serve God, Heal, Love, Master Sha, 


  1. Dear Master Sha, thank you for this practical wisdom. I am very grateful as you continue to remind us to pay attention to our attitudes, and correct them. With Greatest Gratitude <3

  2. Yes, thank you for this loving reminder Master Sha. CBD's _/|\_ having The Soul Healing miracles Chanting Channel is so helpful for staying on the journey. Gratitude.

  3. Thank you for all the wisdom and love for my soul journey to be blessed beyond imagination! Greatest love and gratitude always!

  4. This is such a beautiful reminder today! Thank you so much! You are the greatest example of this.

  5. Dear Master Sha, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Such profound wisdom to remember. LY LY LY CB CB CB
