Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Invoke the Souls of Nature, High Spiritual Beings, and the Divine

Dear Ones,

Expanding on the wisdom of soul healing, I am going to explain how to do soul healing by invoking the souls of nature. For example, if you have cold hands and feet, here is how to do soul healing by invoking the souls of nature. As with the other practices, say hello and apply the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power. Put your left palm over your Message Center (heart chakra) without touching your body. Put your right hand in the traditional prayer position in front of your left hand. This is the Soul Light Era Prayer Position.

Soul Power. Say hello:

Dear soul mind body of the sun,
I love you.
You have the power to heal me.
Please heal my cold hands and feet.
Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize the sun shining brightly in your hands and feet.

Sound Power. Chant silently or aloud:

The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you.
The soul of the sun warms my hands and feet. Thank you . . .

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Chant for at least three to five minutes per time. The longer and the more often you chant, the better.

The sun is a great unconditional universal servant. You can ask the soul, mind, and body of the sun to heal you in the daytime. You can also ask the sun for healing in the middle of the night. The soul of the sun is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, rain or shine, day or night. Invoke the soul, mind, and body of the sun anytime, anywhere. You could receive great soul healing from the sun for any unhealthy condition.


Expanding this wisdom, you can invoke the souls of the moon, the Big Dipper, the Himalayas, the Great Wall of China, the Pacific Ocean, and the Amazon rain forest for healing. They would be delighted to serve you. It is very important to always express gratitude for their service.

You can also call on saints, angels, buddhas, ascended masters, and other high-level spiritual beings for healing. They are unconditional universal servants. Many of them were great servants in the physical form on Mother Earth. You may not realize that they continue to serve in soul form. You can call on them for healing and blessing. All you need to do is say hello. Then totally relax to receive their blessing.

You can follow the same general Say Hello Healing formula to ask for healing from these souls as we did with the souls of nature. Let us do another practice, this time for healing neck pain. Apply the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put the tip of your tongue as close as you can to the roof of your mouth without touching it. Place one hand on your neck.

Soul Power. Say hello:

Dear soul mind body of Ling Hui Sheng Shi (pronounced ling hway shung shr, this is the new name of Guan Yin in the Soul Light Era),
I love you.
You have the power to heal me.
Please heal my neck pain.
I am very grateful.
Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize Ling Hui Sheng Shi healing your neck.

Sound Power. Chant silently or aloud:

Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you.
Ling Hui Sheng Shi heals me. Thank you . . .

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Chant for at least three to five minutes per time. The longer and the more often you chant, the better.

You can ask any saint from your spiritual tradition or belief system to heal and bless you. For example, you can ask Saint Germain, Shi Jia Mo Ni Fuo, Nan Ji Xian Weng, Archangel Michael, Jesus, or Lord Krishna. Always remember to show your respect and gratitude for their service, regardless of your healing results.


Divine Healing

In many traditions, people pray to ask for special healing or blessing. They say a brief prayer and wait for healing results. My insight that I wish to share is that when you invoke the Divine to request healing and blessing for your life, do not be so quick. You will receive more blessing as long as you continue to chant. Better to keep chanting! You could receive great results from blessings of Divine love and light.

You can directly invoke the Divine for healing. This is the way to do it:

Body Power. Put your hands in the Soul Light Era Prayer Position (left palm over your Message Center without touching it, right hand in the traditional prayer position).

Soul Power. Say hello:

Dear soul mind body of the Divine,
I love you.
You have the power to heal me.
Please heal me.
Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize the Divine healing you. Visualize pure, brilliant crystal light healing you.

Sound Power. Chant silently or aloud:

Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine.
Divine heals me. Thank you, Divine . . .

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Chant for at least three to five minutes per time. The longer and the more often you chant, the better.

Soul healing is simple, practical, effective, and very flexible. Everyone and everything has a soul. Every soul in the universe has its soul healing power. You can invoke the souls of nature, high spiritual beings, and the Divine to offer you healing. Very important wisdom is to send your greatest gratitude to the souls you invoke. They will be moved by your great love, sincerity, and gratitude.

Have patience.
Have confidence.
Apply soul healing.
Benefit from it.


I am currently still in Honolulu, Hawaii. Join me tonight, September 29,  for A Day of Tao Miracle Healing and Rejuvenation with Master Sha. I will offer soul healing beyond your comprehension. Experience the power and frequency of the Tao Chang (Source Field) to benefit your whole life. The soul healing power of the Tao Source Field cannot be expressed in words. You will be beyond blessed!

With love and blessing,

Master Sha


  1. Dear Master Sha, this is one of the most intriguing teachings for me! It was the first time I learned about this way to ask for blessings with Master Sha. This summer has been sometimes really, really hot in Germany. So it was difficult and challenging to work outside some days. I started to ask for example a river to bless me with cooling down. Or even icecream ( this was a practice Master Petra taught us some time ago ). Very, very helpful! It is a great reminder to use it daily. Thank you so much Master Sha!

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